*** Due to the nature of my NDA, I cannot show any designs or work on the following projects***
Nuclear Reactor Refurbishment Sim.
My Role: VR Developer
My last project while at SNC-Lavalin was to create a simulation, in VR, of a CAN-DU reactor refurbishment. Using raw point-cloud data, I was to bring in a "model" of the escarpments in and outside of the core reactor and simulate, in Unreal Engine, the feeding of critical parts and pipes, into the reactor area.
The goal of the project was the have foresight into the refurbishment process to cut costs. Many of the pieces cost several hundreds of thousands of dollars and would have to be manually transported into the core. If a piece had to be cut and reassembled, due to lack of clearance, then it would take several days and cost several hundred thousand dollars more per day to work on it.
I loaded a massive trillion-point cloud into UE4 (which required specialized computers) and cleaned the point cloud of any stray and unnecessary points. Having received the model files for the refurbishment pieces, scaled them accordingly to match the live dimensions. Using visual scripting (UE4 Blueprints), I programmed each critical piece to raise a flag and mark an area where it detected a collision with any points. If the piece could pass through the reactor escarpments without too many collisions, then it was deemed safe to transport. If a piece got "stuck" and couldn't pass through without tremendous difficulty, then it was known that it would need to be refitted ahead of schedule.
Prospect-VR Rollout
My Role: VR Consultant
During my time at SNC-Lavalin, I was responsible for managing the adoption process of a new critical piece of software, for several departments within SNC. This software was called ProspectVR and it promised to help optimize and expedite the engineering process by allowing several different parties to meet and review CAD designs in real-time and in VR.
I was responsible for communicating with the heads of different departments (Infrastructure & Civil Engineering) and getting an understanding of the average degree of familiarity that most employees had with VR; Almost none with few exceptions. I created tutorials and presentations to be sent to all employees expected to adopt this new software, with the understanding that most have never even seen a VR headset before. I was also responsible for scheduling demonstration time so that the most unfamiliar members could have hands on experience with the technology.
Shortly after members of each department team had been introduced and tutorialized with the software, the departments began to reap the benefits of this new technology. Engineers were able to identify critical issues and assess risk to projects with a speed never before seen in the company. The company saw less time wastage due to miscommunication, file compatibility issues and general beauracracy, and projects saved thousands upon thousands of dollars. Additionally, being able to present models and designs to clients in a novel and life-sized environment helped to boost impressions on the company and made it easier to bring in new contracts and business.
L.R.T. VR Simulation
My Role: VR Developer​
My first project at SNC was to create an "as real as it gets" simulation of the new Eglington Crosstown LRT, at a particular intersection, to assess stop-distance safety. The goal of the project was to determine if the new vehicle for the LRT was able to come to a complete stop safely at the intersection, with considerations made to the natural topography of the area (there is a steep incline before the intersection), as well as the visual clearance of the new vehicle.
To start the project I took CAD data (3D model) of the intersection of interest from Toronto Open Data Resource. This gave me a life-sized model of the terrain and surrounding buildings for several city blocks, that I could put into UE4. I then added a tram model into the simulation, using a purchased asset from Metrolinx. I was given data regarding the positioning of the electric poles which the tram would run under, and I inserted the data in UE4 and generated a spline to create the tracks that would run under the tram.
I added functionality to the tram, placing a VR seat in the drivers cockpit, allowing for adjustable height. I introduced controls to manipulate the speed of the tram from 0 to top speed, and a brake button to bring the tram to a halt using realistic measurements of deceleration. Since the tram operates on a rail, there was no need to "pilot" the tram in any direction.
Finally, I added a large degree of visual polish to the simulation. I adjusted lighting, I used decals to paint the roads with the appropriate street lines. I added trees, street lights, pedestrians, and other cars on the road, and furnished the intersection with the model of the tram station. When the simulation was run it was discovered that the driver would NOT be able to safely stop at the intersection, once the intersection was seen if they travelled above 60km/h; requiring the driver to reduce their speed when travelling up the hill approaching the intersection.